Do not disregard the allure of the "Amish Wedding Steak." Despite its economical nature, its flavor is equal to that of any celebratory feast.


Do not disregard the allure of the "Amish Wedding Steak." Despite its economical nature, its flavor is equal to that of any celebratory feast.


2 pounds ground beef

1 finely diced onion

1 can mushrooms (or fresh)

2 cups crushed soda crackers

2 cups milk

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can of water (using the soup can)

Salt and pepper to taste


Mix together the ground beef, crushed soda crackers, milk, diced onion, and seasonings. Press the mixture into a square pan and refrigerate overnight.

Cut the refrigerated mixture into squares the following day. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

Coat the meat squares with flour and brown them in butter.
Transfer the browned squares to a baking dish and cover them with a mixture of mushroom soup, water, and mushrooms.
Bake for 90 minutes.

Savor the decadent flavors and cultural significance encapsulated in the Amish Wedding Steak—an offering that imparts a sense of comfort and community to any gathering.