Freshen Up Your Toilet with Unconventional Deodorizing Tricks


1. Lemon and Baking Soda Mix: 

Lemons aren't just for cooking; they can clean too! Mix 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda with lemon juice to make a paste. Spread it in the toilet bowl, leave it for a few hours, and then scrub for a fresh toilet.

2. Yeast and Vinegar Trick: 

Use baking yeast to clean. Put a packet of yeast in the toilet, add white vinegar, wait 15 minutes, and rinse with hot water for a clean toilet.

3. Vinegar's Power: 

Vinegar isn't just for salads; it's a strong cleaner. Boil 2 liters of water, add 200ml of white or cider vinegar, pour it in the toilet, and leave it overnight. Flush it in the morning for a fresh toilet.

4. Garlic's Help: 

Garlic is a natural antibiotic and can clean. Boil water with peeled garlic cloves and add a green tea bag for extra cleaning. Pour this mixture into the toilet and let it sit for hours before flushing.

5. Prevention and Habits: 

Maintain good habits for a clean toilet:

- Only flush biological waste and toilet paper.

- Check and maintain your plumbing to avoid problems.

- Act quickly if you notice blockages to prevent bad odors.

- Clean regularly to stop bacteria from taking over.

- Change worn-out toilet seals for hygiene and odor control.

Remember: Using eco-friendly cleaners is effective and better for the environment. By following these tips, you're helping to keep our planet healthy. And you can trust these methods, as they're inspired by your grandma's clean and welcoming home.