4 small to medium-sized potatoes, thinly sliced.

1 (450g) Pound.Of sirloin steak; cut into bite-sized pieces.

4 cloves of garlic, minced.

1 small sliced onion.

1 sliced bell pepper (optional, for added color and flavor).

Salt and pepper to taste.

4 Tbsp.Of butter.

Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish.


1st Step 

Using heavy-duty aluminum foil, rip out four huge squares, each measuring roughly 12 by 12 inches.

2nd Step

Place them on a level surface, and using a dab of cooking spray or a very thin amount of butter, gently oil the middle of each one.

3rd Step 

Spread the thinly sliced potatoes out equally on the squares of foil, then place them in the middle of each one. On top of the potatoes, arrange the slices of steak.

4th Step 

On both the steak and the potatoes, sprinkle some minced garlic. The garlic imparts a taste that is both robust and fragrant into the meal at this point, which is when the magic occurs.

5th Step 

Add pepper and salt to taste, then heavily season with both. If you decide to go with bell peppers, be sure to divide them out fairly among the packets so that they provide a splash of color and a satisfying crunch.

6th Step 

Remove the butter from the refrigerator and cut it into tiny pieces. Distribute these pieces equally over the contents of each packet. This imparts a decadent, buttery, and delicious quality to the food.

7th Step – 

Gather the foil's edges and fold them in, making a tight seal. This guarantees that the steam is contained inside, which ultimately leads to the contents being cooked to perfection.

8th Step 

Prepare the grill for medium-high heat, or preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 degrees Celsius). Cook the steak and potatoes in the foil packets for about 20 to 25 minutes, or until the steak is cooked to the degree of doneness that you choose and the potatoes are soft, whichever comes first. You may cook the packets on the grill or in the oven.

9th Step 

Be careful while opening the foil packages, since hot steam may escape. Parsley that has been freshly chopped and sprinkled on top of the ingredients will provide a splash of color and a finishing touch of verdantness.

Enjoy Your Meals!