Stop Tossing Out Old Pill Bottles: 12 Creative Ways to Reuse Them

7. DIY Candles

Turn your pill bottles into molds for DIY candles. Pour melted wax into the bottle, insert a wick, and let it set. Once hardened, carefully remove the bottle to reveal a perfectly shaped mini candle.

8. Coin Storage

Use pill bottles to store spare change. Keep one in your car for tolls or parking meters, or use them at home to collect loose coins before cashing them in.

9. Seed Storage

Gardeners can use pill bottles to store seeds. Label each bottle with the type of seed and planting instructions to keep everything organized.

10. Tiny Tool Organizer

Small tools like screws, nails, or washers often get lost in a toolbox. Keep them sorted and easy to find by storing them in labeled pill bottles.

11. Waterproof Matches Case

If you’re into camping or survival prep, use a pill bottle to store matches. Add a small piece of sandpaper for striking, and you’ve got a waterproof fire-starting kit.

12. Portable Snack Holder

Fill a clean pill bottle with nuts, candies, or other small snacks. It’s a great way to keep portion sizes in check and have a quick bite on hand.

Tips for Reusing Pill Bottles Safely:

  • Clean Thoroughly: Wash the bottles with warm, soapy water to remove any residue. Rinse and dry them completely.

  • Remove Labels: Peel off the labels and use rubbing alcohol to remove any adhesive residue.

  • Label Clearly: Avoid confusion by labeling the bottles with their new contents.

Why Reuse Instead of Tossing?

Repurposing pill bottles not only helps reduce waste but also saves you money and keeps small items neatly organized. Plus, finding new uses for everyday items can be surprisingly fun and rewarding.

So, next time you’re about to toss out an old pill bottle, think twice. With a little creativity, you can give it a new purpose and make your life just a bit more organized and sustainable!!