The Ultimate Stain Remover That Truly Works on Stubborn Stains (Say Goodbye to Oxyclean Forever)


The Ultimate Stain Remover That Truly Works on Stubborn Stains (Say Goodbye to Oxyclean Forever)

Crafted from just three simple ingredients, this homemade stain remover is all you'll ever need. Creating this DIY stain remover for clothes is both swift and straightforward, and chances are, you already have these items in your kitchen. This miraculous cleaner proves effective for tackling all types of stains.

Miracle Stain Cleaner:

I take great pleasure in buying adorable clothes for my daughter. However, the joy was dampened by frequent spills, ranging from chocolate to pizza sauce, that seemed to plague her new shirts.

Before stumbling upon this miraculous stain remover, I found myself accumulating a frustrating pile of stained clothes. I experimented with various commercial stain fighters, even tackling stains that had set through the dryer or lingered for weeks.

In my quest to eliminate harsh chemicals from our home, I decided to try a DIY stain remover for clothes. This three-ingredient wonder cleaner is incredibly simple to make and serves as the sole cleaner needed for clothes.

Ingredients for Homemade Stain Remover:

Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid (Blue)

Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking Soda



Instructions for DIY Stain Remover:

Mix 1 teaspoon of Dawn (preferably Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Blue), 4 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide, and 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda in a bowl. Thoroughly combine the ingredients.

Apply a couple of spoonfuls onto the stain and scrub using a toothbrush or scrub brush. The stain won't vanish immediately; allow it to sit for an hour or overnight.

Wash the garment on a regular cycle, and voila, it's clean again!